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Why are Kegel exercises significant for males and females?

Date Added: February 26, 2010 01:53:21 AM
Author: coaurtney795
Category: Reference
Dr. Arnold Kegel was the first to develop special exercises to exercise the pelvis, particularly pubococcygeus muscles (PC muscles). These muscles are involved in urination, bowel movements, sexual intercourse and, in females, during labor. Aging, surgery, childbirth, being overweight and specific diseases can trigger debilitating of the muscles, leading to urinary and fecal incontinence. In men, debilitating of the pelvis can also result in premature ejaculation. In both men and women, the weakened pelvic floor muscles can bring on a drop in ability to climax. So, Kegel exercises are suitable for various purposes. This type of exercising should be the first point of a management programme to handle stress or incontinence. The pc muscles engaged by this kind of exercising include the anal and urinary sphincter. In males, the exercising can "lift" the testicles. It may take a few weeks to notice a considerable improvement, but some men observe their testicles lifting immediately. Like any muscle of the body, the pc muscles, if not engaged or "worked out" on a regular basis, become weak and eventually atrophy. Vaginal atrophy is a particular problem for post-menopausal women. In females, deficiency of muscle tone in the pelvic area can cause vaginal or uterine prolapse, differently called fallen uterus. A set of Kegel exercises can forestall these conditions and can aid in treating them, as well. To make certain you are well aware how to contract your pelvic floor muscles, try to stop the flow of urine while you are going to the washroom. This is the basic movement. Or try another technique: place a finger inside your vagina and try to compress the muscles. Try to feel your vagina become tighter and your pelvic floor move up. Then relax your muscles and feel your pelvic floor move down to the initial position. Kegel exercises are to be done regularly to achieve the best results. A set of Kegel exercises for males and females can be discovered at Remember it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.
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