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Coming to Grips With Eating Disorders

Date Added: July 06, 2010 03:45:41 AM
Author: vagleria54
Category: Health
An eating disorder is an illness which affects all aspects of each sufferer's life, is triggered by a variety of emotional factors and influences, and has profound effects on the people suffering and their loved ones. In this article we will focus on Anorexia and Bulimia. Anorexia is a unique reaction to a variety of external and internal conflicts, such as tension, concern, unhappiness and feeling as if life is out of control. An Anorexic may be extremely sensitive about being fat, or have deep-seated fear of becoming fat - although not all people with Anorexia experience this fear. They may be afraid of losing control of the quantity of food they consume, combined with the craving to maintain stringent control over their emotions and reactions to these emotions. This forces them to turn to obsessive dieting and starvation as a way to control not only their weight, but what they feel and how they act. Some also think that they do not deserve the simple pleasures of life, and will stay away from situations related to pleasure (including eating). Some of the behavioral signs can be: calorie gram counting, starvation and restriction of food, obsessive exercise, self-induced vomiting, the use of weight loss pills, laxatives or diuretics to to control weight, and a persistent concern about the body image. Bulimia sufferers seek episodes of binging and purging - they cannot stop themselves from eating too much and then vomit in order to control their body weight - because they feel overwhelmed in dealing with their emotions, or to punish themselves. Bulimia sufferers may seek binge and purge episodes to avoid and let out feelings of anger, depression, tension or concern. Recurring episodes of speedy food consumption followed by tremendous guilt and purging (laxatives or self-induced vomiting), a feeling of losing control over eating behaviors, engaging in stringent dieting and exercise on a regular basis, the misuse of diuretics or laxatives, and/or diet pills and a persistent concern with the body image can all be warning signs of Bulimia. The two eating disorders have many similarities, the commonest being the cause. They are very complex emotional problems. Though they may seem to be nothing more than a health-threatening obsessive body weight concern on the surface, for most sufferers there are more profound emotional conflicts to be resolved.
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