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Many Music Terms Come From Greek

Date Added: July 04, 2010 01:16:52 AM
Author: kennnedy34
Category: Reference: Arts and Humanities
MUSIC is one of those art forms which act as a mirror of social and cultural changes. If the society or the culture of a certain place is in decline, the music of that place will reflect it. Likewise, when the society or the culture is booming, the music will also thrive. Therefore, music has a major function in the tracing the history of a country. Modern music owes much to the Ancient Greeks. In fact, the term "music" is originated from the 9 muses of Ancient Greece - goddesses ruling over the arts and sciences. Modern day musicians refer to their muse, which is somebody who has an impact on another person's creative work. A lot of musical terms have their roots in Greek. Nevertheless, when Ancient Greece fell and the Byzantine and Roman Empires collapsed, Greek music hibernated for several centuries until it was reborn in the Nineteenth century. Greeks are believed to have considered music a way of exalting the glory of god. Music was also part of their social life. It was played on all types of social occasions. Because drama was also quite popular in Greece, they also used music when drama was staged. Greek music is often said to have lacked harmony. It was mostly sung by one singer and not by a chorus as is commonly demonstrated in Greek plays. Ancient Greek music laws were observed very stringently, and one form was not allowed to mix with another. The rules were so stringent that the audience or listeners were not allowed to clap. The purpose of musical shows was not to amuse but to teach common people. Pythagoras launched the use of numbers to denote musical scales which he discovered while studying the differences in sound frequencies of varied length strings of a musical instrument. This concept spread to Ancient Greek Music, and Pythagoras became known as the father of music theory. Most musical works were monophonic. Hence, they were rather similar. Contemporary Greek music is a mixture of Greek traditional folk music and Eastern and Western tendencies.
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