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Antidepressants: understanding depression

Date Added: March 28, 2010 04:07:44 AM
Author: inofo56
Category: Internet Marketing: Marketing
Every now and then everybody feels down. In any given year, ten percent of Americans suffer from a depressive disorder. This type of mental diseases includes major depression. Symptoms of major depression are the following: Feeling numb emotionally, crying without reason "no reason", feeling slowed down or feeling restless and unable to sit still, gaining or losing weight, thoughts about death or suicide; trouble thinking, recalling things or concentrating; trouble sleeping, particularly in the early morning or waiting to sleep all the time; feeling emotionally numb. Depression is considered to be related to a chemical imbalance in the brain that makes it hard for cells to communicate with one another. Depression can be triggered by stressful situations, such as the death of somebody you love, a divorce or redundancy. But it can also develop unexpectedly. Certain medications, addiction to drugs and alcohol, can result in depression. Depression can be cured with medicines, or special form of counseling called psychotherapy, or with both. Antidepressants are drugs used to help people having depression. The vast majority of people with depression feel better with treatment that includes these drugs. Chemicals in the brain known as neurotransmitters are required for regular brain function. Antidepressants help make the chemicals more available to the brain. Antidepressants are normally used leastwise for 6-12 months. Antidepressants can better your mood, sleep, concentration and appetite. It may take a few weeks to see the results. Antidepressants are divided into a few categories. You and your physician may have to try several before discovering what works best for you. At times medications result in adverse side effects. They may vary from patient to patient and from medicine to medicine. For example, when you first begin your antidepressant you may feel worn out, have problems with sleep or feel sick to your stomach. These side effects usually go away after a short time. Even after a year of treatment, there is still about a 10% chance of depression returning when treatment is over. Some people take an antidepressant for several years.
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